Game of Thrones: Dead character to make a surprise return in season 7

With Game of Thrones working its way to a close, it seems likely that we'll be seeing plenty of old faces returning (before being swiftly dispatched of as is the norm with the HBO fantasy series).
Such characters we wouldn't expect to see, however, are the ones that have already been killed off - and the keen-eyed folk over at Watchers on the Wall have noticed one such character will be reappearing.
The official agency résumé of actor David Bradley - who plays Walder Frey, the villainous lord who assisted the Lannisters in massacring the Starks in season three's infamous 'Red Wedding' episode - is listed as appearing in the upcoming season despite being killed in the season six finale at the hands of Arya Stark (Maisie Williams).
Although his backs up previous rumours suggesting he would be showing up again, it should be noted that the website incorrectly claims he appeared in season two as opposed to three). 
Considering Arya's now a dab hand at Faceless antics, it seems she'll be putting those skills to good use by 'becoming' Frey.
Other cast members returning for the upcoming season include Bella Ramsay (Lyanna Mormont), Staz Nair (Qhono), and Tim McInnerny (Robett Glover).
Just this week, HBO programming president Casey Bloys revealed the way in which he believes the cable network should continue Thrones once it ends in 2018. Season seven will air this summer

Game of Thrones: Dead character to make a surprise return in season 7 Game of Thrones: Dead character to make a surprise return in season 7 Reviewed by Ismail on 06:16:00 Rating: 5

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